Using ViXeN

This is a simple tutorial on how to get started using ViXeN and its features.

When you first start the application it should open a new page on your default browser. If this is not a supported browser, you can simply copy the URL on the location bar onto a supported browser such as Chrome or Firefox and the UI should load correctly.

When you first start you will have a rather empty page with a button on the left panel to create a new project as seen in the figure below:


Start page when ViXeN is started for the first time.

In the figure, on the top right is a button to stop the ViXeN application. Clicking on this will close ViXeN and one may safely close the browser tab. The top left has three links, “Home”, “Help”, and “Log” the home link brings the user to the page where one can edit or view the different projects. The help link takes a user to the documentation. If you are using a binary, this will take one to a copy of the documentation bundled with the binary. The “Log” shows the vixen application logs in a separate tab. This is handy if you are running into errors and is useful when you are reporting problems.

Setting up a project

Create a new project by clicking on “New project”. Fill in the fields of the project on the right side. An example of this can be seen in the figure below.


Adding a new project and setting it up.

The important fields to fill are:

  • Name: set this to a suitable name for your project.
  • Path: this is the path to the root of your media files that you wish to index. Click on “Browse…” to choose the directory from a file browser. You may also directly type the directory path on the text box. All files inside this directory can be “indexed”. You may choose to index only specific extensions by adding specific extensions on the field below the “Tags” field.
  • Tags: this is a very important field. These define the various metadata tags associated with your media. You may add as many fields as you desire. A tag can be either a string, integer, float, or boolean. For each media file, you will be able to change/edit these fields when viewing the project. You can add multiple tags in one go by separating them with commas, for example: fox, jackal, dog. Once added you can change the type of the tag on the UI. You can add and remove tags later on also. One default tag is always added called “completed” you may remove it without any loss of functionality if you do not need it.
  • File extensions to index: this defaults to all extensions, you may specify any extensions you specifically wish to index. For example specifying .png, .jpg and clicking on the “Add extension” will index only the png and jpg files. The button, “Find available extensions” will show you a list of all extensions inside the specified path.
  • Processors: You may add a variety of processors that allow you to either convert your media, copy your media, add tags using Python scripts, or use an external program to add tags. This is discussed in greater detail in the section Processing media files below. Processors are entirely optional.

Once you have setup the project, simply click on “Apply changes” for ViXeN to quickly scan all the files and make its internal database. Depending on the size of your directory, this should take a few seconds. Once this is done, you can click on the “View” button on the left pane to view the media.

If you do not need a project anymore, you may simply click on the “Remove” button remove the project. This will remove only the metadata, your media will be untouched.

Note that when the files are indexed the following tags are always available:

  • ctime: date: time of most recent metadata change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows.
  • mtime: date: time of most recent content modification.
  • path: string: the full path of the file.
  • relpath: string: the relative path to the file with respect to the project root.
  • size: int: the file size in bytes.
  • type: string: the type of the file (video, audio, image, html, pdf, etc.)

Viewing media

The view interface is very simple and divided into two parts. An example view is provided in the following figure.


Viewing a project on ViXeN.

On the left side you will see a simple directory browser. Clicking on a directory (shown typically in bold with a trailing ‘/’) will navigate into this directory and clicking on a file will display the media on the right side of the page. Below the directory browser, the metadata tags of the media file are shown. One may edit the tags as one sees fit.

On the right side, the media file is shown. Any file format that the browser can render is typically shown currently this works for videos (webm, ogg theora video), image files (‘.png’, ‘.jpg’, ‘.gif’, ‘.svg’ etc.), audio files (‘.mp3’, ‘.m4a’, ‘.ogg’, etc.), HTML, text, and PDF. The rendering is really dependent on the browser and your platform.

If the browser does not support the media but your operating system does, you can open the file with the system viewer by clicking on the “Name” field of the media on the left panel. This is typically shown as a blue link. This will open the file using the operating system’s registered viewer for the particular file.

ViXeN thus makes it easy to view the data on the right and update the metadata for each file.


It is important to remember to save the project after changing the metadata. This can be done by pressing the “Save” button or pressing “Command+S” or “Control+S”.

Keyboard shortcuts for navigation

While navigating the directory browser, there are a few useful keyboard shortcuts:

  • Pressing “h” or the left arrow key will go to the parent directory.
  • “k”, “n”, or the “down” arrow key will go to the next file,
  • “j”, “p”, or “up” arrow will go to the previous file/directory,
  • “l”, “enter”, or the right arrow key will either select/view the file or navigate into a sub-directory.
  • “Command+s” or “Control+s” will save the project.


One powerful feature with ViXeN is the ability to search through the metadata.

By default searching for a string in the search box and pressing return/enter or pressing the search button will search for the occurrence of the string in the full path of the media file.

To search for specific tags, let us consider an example project with the metadata tags “fox” (an integer), “jackal” (an integer), and “others” (string).

  • To find all the media which have a single fox, one types: fox:1
  • To find all the media which greater than one fox, one types: fox:>1
  • To find all the media which greater than one fox or one jackal, one types: fox:>1 OR jackal:1
  • To find all the media where the “others” tag has a gerbil one types: others:gerbil.
  • To find all the media where there is a gerbil and a single jackal one types: jackal:1 AND others:gerbil
  • To find the occurrence of the text “desert cat” in the “others” tag one types: others:'desert cat'. Note the use of the single quotes.

In addition, one may also search by the time of the media. Each media file’s creation time (ctime) and modified time (mtime) are also indexed automatically. One can search for the time as follows:

  • for all images modified in 2015: mtime:2015,
  • for all images modified in 2015 January: mtime:201501 or mtime:'jan 2015'.

ViXeN uses whoosh to parse the query string. For more details on the query language see the date parsing documentation.

Exporting the tag information to a CSV file

Once the tags have been entered one can export the metadata to a CSV file. Simply click on the “Export CSV” button and you will be prompted for a file. This file will contain all the tags for the data.

Importing tag information from a CSV file

One may also import tag information from a CSV file. Click on the “Import CSV” button, supply a file and it will import the tags. The CSV file must have a “path” column which should be exactly the same path as the corresponding media file. If there is a doubt as to what path is stored by Vixen, export the project data to CSV and look at the path column.

It is important to note that only tags that have already been defined in the project will be imported. The column name of the CSV file should match the tag name exactly. Any columns which do not have corresponding tags will not be imported.

Finally, after importing the tags, one must save the project to have the changes be stored to disk.

Processing media files

One can process media files in a variety of ways. When editing a project, one can add processors. The following processors are available.

  • Command: run a user-defined command on the media files. Useful for format conversions.
  • Tagger: run a user-defined program to tag the media.
  • Python: call a user-defined Python function to do whatever desired.

The processors are described in greater detail below. One can add a processor and test it on a single file to see if it works correctly and then process the entire set of files. Always remember to save the project after the processing has completed and the results are satisfactory.

Note that if you have any search results and then run the processing, it will run the processing only on the searched files.

When running the processing, the UI will present a button to pause the execution of the processing or to stop it entirely. Once a file has been processed by a particular processor it will not be processed again. If you wish to re-do the processing for the already processed files, you will need to remove the processor and add it again by editing the project.

The Command processor

This processor allows the user to run an arbitrary command on the media. This is typically used to perform file format conversions. For example, if one wishes to convert an unsupported video with the extension .avi file to a .webm file, one may use ffmpeg. To run ffmpeg on the media, one simply adds a command processor and sets the “command” field to: ffmpeg -i $input $output and set the input extension field to .avi and the output extension to .webm. The following important attributes should be set:

  • Destination path: One should set the destination path to either the same directory as the source or to any other directory.
  • Mirror tree: This option allows one to mirror the source tree of files into another location. It is best to leave this as the default.
  • Copy timestamps: ensures that the converted file has the same timestamps as the original, this is useful when searching using the dates as this option preserves the original file’s timestamps.

The Tagger processor

Allows the user to run an arbitrary program to set the tags of the media. The tagger program is passed the full path to the media file. It should print out the tag information on standard output. For example, let us say we have a program called tagger, when tagger is supplied a path, it should print out the following:

$ tagger /path/to/image.png

Each line should correspond to an existing metadata tag of the project. This output is automatically parsed and the media tags are updated with these values. The tagger processor in the above case should be configured with the command set to tagger. The input file argument is automatically passed.

As another example of how one can extract EXIF information and populate specific tags (on OS X or Linux), one may do the following. First make sure Imagemagick is installed, specifically the identify command is working. Then create a small script, lets call it

identify -verbose $1 | grep exif | cut -d ':' -f 2-

The second line takes the input file, and selects only the exif information. Make sure this script is executable:

$ chmod a+x

When this script is executed as follows, it prints the following:

$ /path/to/image.jpg
GPSAltitude: 0/1
GPSAltitudeRef: 0
GPSDateStamp: 2012:07:27
GPSInfo: 356
GPSLatitude: 12/1, 56/1, 3333/100
GPSLatitudeRef: N
GPSLongitude: 77/1, 35/1, 5106/100
GPSLongitudeRef: E

One can add a tagger processor and set the command to the full path of this script. Now when one runs the processing, if you have defined any of the tags, for example if a tag called GPSDateStamp, GPSLatitude, and GPSLongitude, then those fields will be extracted and saved in your metadata. This allows you to save only fields that are relevant to your work.

The tagger can be implemented in R or Python for example. In case this is a Python script one may wish to set the command to python /path/to/ If python is not on the PATH, you can also explicitly specify the full path to the Python interpreter. ViXeN will simply pass the file to this script at the end.

The tagger processor can be more complicated than this and do a lot more but this should give you an idea of the power of this approach.


A word of warning when writing R scripts. When R scripts encounter an error, they usually do not exit with an exit status indicating that an error occurred. ViXeN expects that the script exits with a non-zero exit status to determine if the script was successfully run or not. So if you see strange or incorrect results, just check your script for errors.

For EXIF and other metadata information extraction from a variety of media, exiftool is a very powerful option that can be used for populating the tags. It is a lot easier to use than the example above and also supports a wide variety of file formats.

The Python processor

This processor allows the user to run arbitrary Python code to set the media tags. This requires knowledge of Python and the ViXeN API but is relatively simple. A simple example is provided below to illustrate the ideas. Let us assume that the following example code is typed into the text box:

import os.path
def process(relpath, media, dest):
    media.tags['parent'] = os.path.dirname(media.path)
    media.tags['comment'] = '%s bytes' % media.size
    media.tags['completed'] = True

The function is passed three arguments. The relpath is the relative path to the media file. The media instance is the actual media object associated with the media file. The media object has a path attribute, it also has a tags attribute which is a dictionary with the keys as the tags for the media. Thus, media.tags['parent'] is the parent tag. media.size is the size of the file in bytes. The above example is a trivial one, one can write arbitrary Python code to process the tags or run external programs if desired. This processor does require reasonable knowledge of Python programming. What it does do is provide a powerful mechanism for scripting the metadata using Python.